As a methodical manual application of pressure and movement to the soft tissue of the skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments; massages get curing by encouraging the flow of blood and lymph, alleviating tension, stimulating nerves, and loosening or stretching muscles and connective tissue to maintain them flexible. In general, massage can concern the entire body, but it has a major influence in the activity of the musculoskeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous systems.
Massage is helpful before physical exercise, facilitating blood circulation to assist the muscles to warm up. It is also helpful after workout, reducing waste elements -like carbonic acid or lactic- that appear in muscles and cause contractions and aches.
Massage augments the immunological resistance and assists to recovery from soft tissue injuries by incrementing blood flow to damaged zones. Recent investigations indicate that massage can control the levels of blood pressure, too.
Be aware that scientifically, the therapeutic massage does not treat, heal, prescribe or cure any ailment or disease, but it is an excellent supplementary healthcare. In any case, massage is never a replacement for a Physician.
Massages are not recommended in some situations (considered as "red flags" by therapists), including phlebitis, some cancer, infectious illness, skin diseases and some cardiac conditions.